today was super and lovely and splendid! as the birds chirped and the wind blew a warm spring breeze - we found hosting! we exist, we exist - tell the world! after tailing behind competitors and watching our grand ideas be developed by others - we're ready to show the world our beautiful posh faces! ooo ooo i can't wait to wake up in the morning and type in those wonderful words! and there we shall be! really a business venture should be frightening or at the very least unnerving but we are way too far in for that - if we stop and think about it - we'll fall apart - now its move fo
rward or die .... i think this was one giant leap forward - heck if i were armstrong i'd say something like, "one small step for posh - one giant step for womankind" but i'm not - so i wont. it sounds cheesy anyway.
well this feeling is bound to pass and i'll go back to having conversations with rochel like:

but while the moment lasts - i shall revel in it.
...another posh beginning...

well this feeling is bound to pass and i'll go back to having conversations with rochel like:

but while the moment lasts - i shall revel in it.
...another posh beginning...