a couple days ago i was on the phone with a friend - as we spoke she checked her email. one particular email caught her attention, its subject line read: very very funny...please read..
apparently however, much to my friend's dismay, the email did not contain anything even mildly amusing - it was actually a tehillim request with a creative subject line to encourage people to read it. my friend shared her disappreciation of such humor with me - i told her i thought it was clever because unfortunately many tehillim letters come each day, some repeats, some new - so why not get people's attention. we finished the conversation and i proceeded to go on with my day. later than evening i checked my own inbox and there sat that letter. i opened it and proceeded to read what was a very sad and touching request of a 16 year old girl to please recite tehillim for her mother. in such pure and simple words she explained the what her mother's illness was and what the doctors had said, that she didnt know if her mother would see her 17th birthday, how her brothers and sisters needed their mother. i scrolled down to see the name and recited kapital chof by rote. there was more writing at the bottom so i scrolled further - the letter was signed....by a girl i knew! i couldnt believe it ...the smilely, always happy, always thoughtful girl who was close with all my bnos chabad girls - was hurting every day and she hadnt told anyone. the letter took on whole meaning for me (i know all tehillim requests should really be just as painful but somehow knowing the person makes it so much more real and scary) i called my friend who had gotten the email first - i didnt even know what to tell her but i wanted to make sure she took the "funny letter" seriously. the past few days, each time i open my inbox i see i've re-received the letter - each time from someone new, from a different part of the world, from a different community and i find comfort knowing that yidden across the world really do care for eachother and that chaya's mother's name is going 'round the world through the power of the web and through the courage of a 16 year old who finally opened up.
May Zeesah Miriam bas Yehudis have a refuah shleima u'kerovah! and may her family only know brachos and simcha!
...when it suddenly clicks...
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Sunday, May 27, 2007
dont fall for the trap.....dogoodjustcuz
there's a well known rule in the world of positive reinforcement - never tell someone "you did such a great job- you can do it again next time!" what your teaching them is once is never good enough for you so they had better not do a good job next time. i often consider this idea and its a big joke in my house e.g. hey, you did such a great job mopping the floor you can do it every time! but does it work on G-d? see i was thinking when something happens and we react - does the reaction affect future action one way or another? its Reizi that got me thinking - Shabbos was her yartzeit and in the days just before it I was scrambling to finish up commitments made in her memory. and i was by no stretch of the imagination the only one. hundreds of people ka"H had jumped on the band wagon, eager to take on hachlatos to makeReiziproud. but how did Hashem look at this situation? I have no doubt that He too is proud of us, and appreciates every mitzva and hachlata. but have we non-verbally told Hashem - "look, You throw horrible blows our way and we do mitzvos in return-perush-if you want us to do more mitzvos throw more bad things our way!"
i think there are two possible solutions - 1. dont react well to tragedies and maybe Hashem will see there's nothing to be gained from them or 2. start doing good just because - then we'll show Hashem that we dont need pain and sad thing to encourage us to do good
i'm pretty sure the latter is the way to go - the former just takes away any possible positive that could be brought out of a seemingly negative situation
so lets make our next campaign doinggoodjustcuz - and i'm sure that too will makeReiziproud
i think there are two possible solutions - 1. dont react well to tragedies and maybe Hashem will see there's nothing to be gained from them or 2. start doing good just because - then we'll show Hashem that we dont need pain and sad thing to encourage us to do good
i'm pretty sure the latter is the way to go - the former just takes away any possible positive that could be brought out of a seemingly negative situation
so lets make our next campaign doinggoodjustcuz - and i'm sure that too will makeReiziproud
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
steps in the sands of time
blogging has really paid off - i started to get myself into writing more and i've gotten so ensconced in this little writing haven that i actually relate to situations in terms of how writable they are anyway this erev shavuos marks the 2 year anniversary of a very special journey and i thought it time to put it down in words and play with the angle - to see how i could make the experience go even further ...so here goes.....
the young woman placed one last package in the cart. time was short and a long distance lay ahead. together she and two others set out on a journey. each woman led an animal laden with fruit and gifts an indication of the impending chag. hidden under perfectly folded muslin, secured tightly with knotted twine lay hours of painstaking work carefully stitched into fine seams of splendidly colored silk dresses and linen robes trimmed in gold braid
across each woman's shoulder hung a new leather pouch prepared especially for the trip. but all these were of lesser importance. it was the basket that made these women's heart skip. there atop the strongest of the animals sat an oddly shaped packaged wrapped and rewrapped to protect it from the scorching sun and the wind storms that accompanied the women on their journey. the package was a years worth of anticipation and growth. for within the careful wrappings lay a basket of bikkurim. from the very start of the year the earth had be worked to give the best fruits. seeds were planted and with watchful eyes the women waited for the first sprouts to raise their heads. gently the first fruit were labeled and how proudly they wore their red strings - a symbol of position and choice. now these new fruits had to be nurtured, insuring the most luscious of crops. when the sun was strong, the plants were shaded, when the rain fell short the produce was hand -watered.
weeks before the journey the women had gone to the water to gather reeds, carefully selecting and seperating them to be dyed. and then the weaving began - the women gathered together, each with her own pattern in mind, to share the joy and work. together they wove the patterns of each, including every braid, each intricate twist. the basket needed to be strong and large but also beautiful.
as the trip grew near other preparations began - food was cooked and stored, clothing sewn but each evening the women gathered to reinspect their basket and add another detail.
finally it was time to pick the first fruits. the family gathered together and each man, woman and child helped collect the gifts of fruit. into the basket each fruit went, baking it all the more beautiful and complete. then the basket was wrapped and mounted onto the strongest animal for transport. the children gathered flowers and colorful weeds to decorate the animal - making sure that their precious gift was carried in so befitting a manner.
alas the time had come - the men moved on ahead, taking with them the children. only the women stayed behind to check last minute arrangements and to accompany the basket.
the young woman looked proudly at the basket. This year was different. this year she was not riding along with the family. this year she was escorting her gift on foot. and she prayed that Hashem accept every step - a gift, dedicated to her Master. This year along with the bikkurim, she was presenting herself ....
....the young woman placed one more item in her bag and slung it over her shoulder. time was short and a long distance lay ahead. together she and two others set out on a journey. each woman carried a bag packed special for the trip. but these and all their feelings were .... in the light of the gift they carried with them. carefully wrapped and modestly covered the women protected a most precious gift - one that had taken the year to prepare.
the earth had been carefully prepared and from the very first moments of their arrival seeds were planted and carefully tended to. with sweat and tears the tiniest of saplings was protected and encouraged. when the hardships bore down too strong, the fruit was shaded, when strength fell short, the produce was lovingly revived.
weeks before the journey the women had refocused and scrambled to give the fruit all it could get before time ran out. gathering the choicest of words, the women began to weave - torah, mind and heart - into one beautiful basket. the women gathered together, each with her own pattern in mind, to share the joy and work. together they wove the patterns of each, including every braid, each intricate twist. the basket needed to be strong and lasting but also beautiful.
alas the time had come - the women prepared bags to be sent ahead with the rest. only three women stayed behind to check last minute arrangements and to accompany the basket
now, the young woman looked proudly inside at her basket. this year had been different. this year she was not riding along with the group. This year she was escorting her gift on foot. and she prayed that Hashem accept every step - a gift, dedicated to her Master. This year along with the bikkurim, she was presenting herself ....
two worlds - two times - one soul - one place
blogging has really paid off - i started to get myself into writing more and i've gotten so ensconced in this little writing haven that i actually relate to situations in terms of how writable they are anyway this erev shavuos marks the 2 year anniversary of a very special journey and i thought it time to put it down in words and play with the angle - to see how i could make the experience go even further ...so here goes.....
the young woman placed one last package in the cart. time was short and a long distance lay ahead. together she and two others set out on a journey. each woman led an animal laden with fruit and gifts an indication of the impending chag. hidden under perfectly folded muslin, secured tightly with knotted twine lay hours of painstaking work carefully stitched into fine seams of splendidly colored silk dresses and linen robes trimmed in gold braid
across each woman's shoulder hung a new leather pouch prepared especially for the trip. but all these were of lesser importance. it was the basket that made these women's heart skip. there atop the strongest of the animals sat an oddly shaped packaged wrapped and rewrapped to protect it from the scorching sun and the wind storms that accompanied the women on their journey. the package was a years worth of anticipation and growth. for within the careful wrappings lay a basket of bikkurim. from the very start of the year the earth had be worked to give the best fruits. seeds were planted and with watchful eyes the women waited for the first sprouts to raise their heads. gently the first fruit were labeled and how proudly they wore their red strings - a symbol of position and choice. now these new fruits had to be nurtured, insuring the most luscious of crops. when the sun was strong, the plants were shaded, when the rain fell short the produce was hand -watered.
weeks before the journey the women had gone to the water to gather reeds, carefully selecting and seperating them to be dyed. and then the weaving began - the women gathered together, each with her own pattern in mind, to share the joy and work. together they wove the patterns of each, including every braid, each intricate twist. the basket needed to be strong and large but also beautiful.
as the trip grew near other preparations began - food was cooked and stored, clothing sewn but each evening the women gathered to reinspect their basket and add another detail.
finally it was time to pick the first fruits. the family gathered together and each man, woman and child helped collect the gifts of fruit. into the basket each fruit went, baking it all the more beautiful and complete. then the basket was wrapped and mounted onto the strongest animal for transport. the children gathered flowers and colorful weeds to decorate the animal - making sure that their precious gift was carried in so befitting a manner.
alas the time had come - the men moved on ahead, taking with them the children. only the women stayed behind to check last minute arrangements and to accompany the basket.
the young woman looked proudly at the basket. This year was different. this year she was not riding along with the family. this year she was escorting her gift on foot. and she prayed that Hashem accept every step - a gift, dedicated to her Master. This year along with the bikkurim, she was presenting herself ....
....the young woman placed one more item in her bag and slung it over her shoulder. time was short and a long distance lay ahead. together she and two others set out on a journey. each woman carried a bag packed special for the trip. but these and all their feelings were .... in the light of the gift they carried with them. carefully wrapped and modestly covered the women protected a most precious gift - one that had taken the year to prepare.
the earth had been carefully prepared and from the very first moments of their arrival seeds were planted and carefully tended to. with sweat and tears the tiniest of saplings was protected and encouraged. when the hardships bore down too strong, the fruit was shaded, when strength fell short, the produce was lovingly revived.
weeks before the journey the women had refocused and scrambled to give the fruit all it could get before time ran out. gathering the choicest of words, the women began to weave - torah, mind and heart - into one beautiful basket. the women gathered together, each with her own pattern in mind, to share the joy and work. together they wove the patterns of each, including every braid, each intricate twist. the basket needed to be strong and lasting but also beautiful.
alas the time had come - the women prepared bags to be sent ahead with the rest. only three women stayed behind to check last minute arrangements and to accompany the basket
now, the young woman looked proudly inside at her basket. this year had been different. this year she was not riding along with the group. This year she was escorting her gift on foot. and she prayed that Hashem accept every step - a gift, dedicated to her Master. This year along with the bikkurim, she was presenting herself ....
two worlds - two times - one soul - one place
Sunday, May 20, 2007
yes i have alot to aplogize for and no i have not fallen off the face of the earth! so chanie and i finally got to go out together last night. b4 i go on w/ my o so boring post onthe blog i would just like to say how proud i am of chanie, she works so hard and she will prob be upset w/ me for braggin but i think she's the best friend in the world and i do not deserve her. now that i 've said that i can tell you that i had 3 cups of coffee last night and was totally unable to sleep till 6(and i did e/t u know the whole sit still and not think thing) ok thats my thought for the day, do not drink coffee before bed:)
Friday, May 18, 2007
Thursday, May 17, 2007
3 am and 4 coffees later....
ok not my typical piece but duty calls so i had to come up with it....
Policies Policy:
Whereas, we would like to convey in a most somber & legalitarian fashion that the policies henceforth stated are in no way to be altered. And whereas tampering with any and all policies will result in heavy finage and corporal punishment. It is thus established that the use of this OnePoshShop.com implies unconditional acceptance of these and any other policies we deem necessary including but not limited to: fanmail, flowers on Posh birthdays, free iced coffee and forced labor in our warehouse. If for whatever reason the shopper feels unable to abide by the above and below and left and right statutes, please shop anyway - hey we're just kidding!
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We will be overjoyed to ship overseas however our system is overrun and underconfigured to accomodate such shipping calculations. Please place all international orders by phone. See phone orders below for further details.
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While the above title suggest otherwise, Posh no longer sends packages via ship.
What we will do however is process your order within 1-2 business days. Please keep in mind when selecting your shipping options that we ship business days only, excluding all major and Jewish and major Jewish holidays. If your item can not be shipped due to backorder or other unforseeable problem we will notify you immediately.
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Let's be quite frank - anything you buy from Posh is beautiful, perfect & you love it. So if you have found even the slightest reason to return it - you better think twice. If on second thought you still wish to return it - well go ahead, we have to let you because of that sign we have buried somewhere in a pile of junk that says something about 100% customer satisfaction.
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We highly encourage you to track your returns as we will not refund any item we do not receive.
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Policies Policy:
Whereas, we would like to convey in a most somber & legalitarian fashion that the policies henceforth stated are in no way to be altered. And whereas tampering with any and all policies will result in heavy finage and corporal punishment. It is thus established that the use of this OnePoshShop.com implies unconditional acceptance of these and any other policies we deem necessary including but not limited to: fanmail, flowers on Posh birthdays, free iced coffee and forced labor in our warehouse. If for whatever reason the shopper feels unable to abide by the above and below and left and right statutes, please shop anyway - hey we're just kidding!
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So this is where we assure you that the information you send us is for our use only and will not be sold on the blackmarket to telemarketers wearing satellite antenae that screen for and track the precise time of your dinner. We also assure you that what you agree to purchase in each Posh order is exclusively the items you placed in your shopping bag and not any additional purchases such as an island that is stuffed into the pocket of a Posh skirt for which you will be billed a small fee of $450 on the 3rd Thursday of every other month until eternity.
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If you would like to order by fax please send it to ----- - we do however ask that every fax order include a note of accolade for the Trois Soeurs.
International Orders:
We will be overjoyed to ship overseas however our system is overrun and underconfigured to accomodate such shipping calculations. Please place all international orders by phone. See phone orders below for further details.
Cancelling or Changing an Order
If you would like to cancel or change an order that you've just placed, please call ------ as soon as the idea dawns on you. If we still have the order in our possession we will gladly accomodate. If we no longer have the order in hand but the mailman is still within view we will gladly chase after him for a small exercise fee. If the order is well on its way the order can not be cancelled and must be returned or exchanged.
Payment Methods
We accept any form of real, non-fraudulent American money.
Please note: Monopoly money and Hebrew School Torah dollars will not be accepted.
We are currently in the process of arranging a barter system - please check back if you:
Wash floors, do nails, or other useful services.
Shipping Policy
While the above title suggest otherwise, Posh no longer sends packages via ship.
What we will do however is process your order within 1-2 business days. Please keep in mind when selecting your shipping options that we ship business days only, excluding all major and Jewish and major Jewish holidays. If your item can not be shipped due to backorder or other unforseeable problem we will notify you immediately.
Shipping fees are based on your order and the shipping method you choose.
Return Policy
Let's be quite frank - anything you buy from Posh is beautiful, perfect & you love it. So if you have found even the slightest reason to return it - you better think twice. If on second thought you still wish to return it - well go ahead, we have to let you because of that sign we have buried somewhere in a pile of junk that says something about 100% customer satisfaction.
Standard Return Policy:
We will gladly refund or exchange any non-sale items less the cost of shipping, within 30 days of receipt. Sale items may be returned for store credit only.
We highly encourage you to track your returns as we will not refund any item we do not receive.
Please note, we cannot accept returns for any reason after 30 days of receipt. Nor can we accept any returns or exchanges that have been worn or otherwise soiled.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Creepy Crawler

My nephew started crawling!! Ok that alone - not so thrilling...but that means that walking and talking are right around the corner and for that, I can not wait. I can see it now, walking hand in hand on a beautiful summer's day, his baby smooth fingers clutching my hand, when suddenly he looks up at me with his crystal clear blue eyes and in the sweet, soft voice of a baby says, "i'm hungry!" oh wait that was supposed to be something tender ...oh well...not all moments work out the way we dream. But he sure did ...my boo is just the way i dreamed - even better!

Friday, May 11, 2007
spread a little light
More Light
Fighting evil is a very noble activity when it must be done. But it is not our mission in life.
Our job is to bring in more light.
From the teachings of the Rebbe; rendered by Tzvi Freeman
Monday, May 07, 2007
shared prayers
two women sitting side by side
one is blessed one deprived
they both recite their prayers long
one in tears the other song
one: thank you for her souls bequeathed
one: let her care for souls, beseeched
and while their books were two akin
their thoughts diametric as within
with identic words but polar minds
each asked for gifts of different kinds
and One G-d heard the voice of both
and answered each with separate growth
one with support and direction
one with offspring and affection
and granted not was each mother
but that she prayed for the other
May it be Hashem's will that the power of Lag B'Omer and the special tefillos recited on that day break all heavenly decrees and all extenuating circumstances and let each Jewish couple know the joy of bringing children into this world.
one is blessed one deprived
they both recite their prayers long
one in tears the other song
one: thank you for her souls bequeathed
one: let her care for souls, beseeched
and while their books were two akin
their thoughts diametric as within
with identic words but polar minds
each asked for gifts of different kinds
and One G-d heard the voice of both
and answered each with separate growth
one with support and direction
one with offspring and affection
and granted not was each mother
but that she prayed for the other
May it be Hashem's will that the power of Lag B'Omer and the special tefillos recited on that day break all heavenly decrees and all extenuating circumstances and let each Jewish couple know the joy of bringing children into this world.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
today was yud-daled iyar. but it was also wednesday. so like every other wednesday i taught hebrew school. i told my students that today was something special - that it was pesach sheni and that in honor of today we would eat matzah. the kids were excited mostly because we were eating matzah. then class continued. we talked about the up and coming lag b'omer. the kids were really excited. after all lag b'omer is major. its chet v'keshet, medurah - its a full blown holiday. we learned about why a fire and why a bow and mostly why we celebrate. as a finishing touch we made edible medurot - toasting our marshmallows over pretzels and fruit roll-up. then the next class came in and we did it all over again.
when hebrew school was over i packed up and drove home. but there was a thought nagging me. why is it that lag b'omer is so huge and pesach sheni is just a piece of matzah? pesach sheni should be major - i mean c'mon its our second chance...we should be jumping and screaming, spreading the word on billboards and yet all we do is eat matzah. and lag b'omer, sure we should celebrate but why not like every other celebration, sitting around the table - wine, meat and bread? why dancing and fires, music and toys? why is lag b'omer strong enough to break the mourning of sefirah but our second chance to connect to Hashem is nothing but crummy flat bread.
well i leave these as questions for now ... answers will come
when hebrew school was over i packed up and drove home. but there was a thought nagging me. why is it that lag b'omer is so huge and pesach sheni is just a piece of matzah? pesach sheni should be major - i mean c'mon its our second chance...we should be jumping and screaming, spreading the word on billboards and yet all we do is eat matzah. and lag b'omer, sure we should celebrate but why not like every other celebration, sitting around the table - wine, meat and bread? why dancing and fires, music and toys? why is lag b'omer strong enough to break the mourning of sefirah but our second chance to connect to Hashem is nothing but crummy flat bread.
well i leave these as questions for now ... answers will come
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