hey everyone, i know long time no write; i know you guys were probably checkin the post every day to see if i posted anything. actually I just remembered no one was waiting because in fact Chanie had posted consistently while I was busy getting my life back together in Cali
and I wasn't actaully waiting for chanie to post the pics from the wedding because she actually posted them I was just too busy and uninterested to check but u know me - always underestimating Chanie, wow she did it even when she was busy, busy busy!:) we love you Chanie
anyway just thought this pic was nice, reminds us that its not what we actually are but how we view ourselves that counts. have agood shabbos luv ya
i want a copy.. please......ooooo i got a new number!
saadiah- hey pesh im in israel and since i cant email u ( becouse you stoped checking your mail) i decided to blog everything im telling you on this little blogspot
school thnk gd kicks total tuchuas and i joined a gym (see i actually did it wink wink;)) and i visited the kotel by accident. email me any time you know the adrress love yah and chow
hey sa'adia actually i don't know ur e-mail but i do chekc my hotmail so feel free to e-mail me on that. glad to hear school is good. does the gym cost money or does ur school provide it?
thanks chanei!!
thanks chanei!!
ok i know this is your guyses site, but i want to rant too! could you have a place where all your dedicated readers can rant too??? please????
oh and question... why does every single shidduch ask for a girl with a sense of humor? whose humor are they reffering to? yours or mine?????????
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