first off, dearest commenter - I am Chanie and I do all the posting - peshie ...well we wont talk about it ....
anyway - so its been a while and high time to brain dump onto this computer screen so here goes ....
there's a world out there that seeks to change
deep down it hurts -its surface strange
and yet we amble unaware
we act what comes - and it despairs
and then sometimes it dawns on us
we stop & think -perhaps discuss
how we could share a bit of light
yet thoughts move on - prevails the night
so drop the details - find the goal
hold tight to the guiding scroll
feel it , breath it, make it life
lest evil seep in - a sickness rife
our time is short and chances go
but action roots and deep it grow
what seems too late will get but later
dont be fooled by inner faitour
act now - revolutionize
bring redemption- eternalize
...when it suddenly clicks...
Friday, February 23, 2007
Monday, February 12, 2007
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
An Ode to Tech Support
So while a part of me would love to add to the previous post and continue on the road of reminiscence alas it is time to move on. Next on the agenda : Tech Support a.k.a Hello from India! I doubt there is more than a handful of us left in the states who haven't made it to Pakistan and back all in one phone call - its those times when something isn't working right - like after you've dropped your cell phone in the toilet or when you've tried to fix your computer by taking it apart and cant figure out how to put it back together and you finally muster up enough time...and yes it will probably take hours... to call the 800 number on the box and ask for support. 457...and finally you hear it, softly at first but then there it is, that human voice, in that slightly nasal, "clean- up in aisle 7" kind of voice that offers you their undivided attention and help at 2 am in the morning. It is then that you proceed to explain your problem that you will likely still have after the 2 hours when you hang up the phone ...but in the meantime if you are feeling upset, aggravated and most definitely frustrated, please, please don't take it out o
n tech support - look how hard he is working!
Seem strange that he got the job when oh so many Americans need jobs? He is completely qualified, in fact it was after a serious interview process that Mujibar was went something like this:
H.R: Mujibar before you can get this job working as an American with an American phone number you must pass one final test.
Mujibar: I am ready.
H.R.: Make a sentence using the words Yellow, Pink and Green.
Mujibar: Mister manager, I am ready to pass the test.
H.R.: Go ahead.
Mujibar: The telephone goes green, green, and I pink it up, and say, 'Yellow, thanks for calling Tech Support!
Peace Out! 457...and finally you hear it, softly at first but then there it is, that human voice, in that slightly nasal, "clean- up in aisle 7" kind of voice that offers you their undivided attention and help at 2 am in the morning. It is then that you proceed to explain your problem that you will likely still have after the 2 hours when you hang up the phone ...but in the meantime if you are feeling upset, aggravated and most definitely frustrated, please, please don't take it out o

Seem strange that he got the job when oh so many Americans need jobs? He is completely qualified, in fact it was after a serious interview process that Mujibar was went something like this:
H.R: Mujibar before you can get this job working as an American with an American phone number you must pass one final test.
Mujibar: I am ready.
H.R.: Make a sentence using the words Yellow, Pink and Green.
Mujibar: Mister manager, I am ready to pass the test.
H.R.: Go ahead.
Mujibar: The telephone goes green, green, and I pink it up, and say, 'Yellow, thanks for calling Tech Support!
Peace Out!
Monday, February 05, 2007
There's a Special Place in My Heart....
For many people High School is an awkward stage. It's that time that you are trying so hard to seem like you arent trying, when you are too self concious to admit you know you are a dork...and then there are those specifics that relate to the high school you went to. Some people pride themselves on ties or pleated skirts they had to wear, some people swear by their sports teams ...and some of was all about the and downs, when you were on everyone's good side and when you were mudd, a blur of papers and cramming for tests, rita's and phone calls. Its that time when you can't make it through class cuz you've got the best story to share or that some little code word (salt? pepper?) seems about as life and death important as it gets. Oh and of course there are those special places you like to go to in your free time - the shopping, with the transportation crises and the parks - it is in those short 4 years that every thing in the real world seems to be suspended in time and all that happens is the world to you - and it's just completely unimaginable that there is life or happiness after high school - and what do you mean some things wont matter any more.
And why, you ask, have I gone back in time to those special years?
....well let's just blame it on Calvin:

And why, you ask, have I gone back in time to those special years?
....well let's just blame it on Calvin:

Friday, February 02, 2007
Photo Contest

So we've decided that its time we add some more pics to the blog - kind of liven things up. So we've started a photo contest .. whoever blogs the k0olest photos wins....ummm...ya they just win....
So drop us a comment and let us know if you have any k0ol photos you want blogged..
meanwhile here's a start...

Just to explain a bit - these are photos that a guy I know took- he's a makeup artist/photographer - he did all the painting and photography ...he's crazy talented so I thought I'd share...enjoy!

Yud Shevat Message
So on a religious note for moment: The Rebbe encouraged, in honor of Yud Shevat that everyone who could should share the idea that the Frierdiker Rebbe was completely dedicated to reaching out to all Yidden and also to explain the idea of Chitas which the Frierdiker Rebbe instituted. The Rebbe also said that this could be done from Yud Shevat up until the next Shabbos so as it is Thursday night I thought I better get it in before it is too late: For those who dont know or those who do, Chitas is the daily study program that consists of the portion of Chumash from that weeks parsha connected to the day of the week, the portion of Tehillim for the day of the month and the portion of Tanya connected to the day of the year. So for those who havent had a chance yet today - knock yourselves out - go learn Chitas! Oh and if you are a facebooker - join the Chitas group ...its tagline: If you waste as much time on facebook as I do you have no excuse not to do Chitas. Have a Great Shabbos!
hey everyone!! by everyone i mean myself and chanie ofcourse b/c who else checks this blog,and if ur checkin it then leave a message!! well thanks to G-d's kindness i be gettin myself a reaaaaaaaaal good edgimikation at BCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC, i think i put one too many c's either way, i'm officially the only white girl in some of my classes. one teacher was going around saying how e/o is from all over and then he turns to me and says "so where r u from" i gave him one of my what the *&% are you talken about looks and then said "baltimore" e/o burst out lauphin,so i guess it was ok. and then in another class they were talken abt being a member of the NAACP and i said "ya my membership is in the works" and again e/o lauphed, and then one girl said that at Towson (anothe college) they were the KKK hoods. Now its a crime for wearing a white hoodie too! (the Towson hoodie is white). the one thing i'm learnin in college is this is very important now say it with me GET -get YOUR-your DEGREE-degree AND-and GET-get OUT-out! b/c most of the stuff u'll learn in college u wont' need :) and that is my lesson for life for all you Little People out there, no that was not a joke about chanies height;) (u know i luv u girl)
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