most useful i find are their signs, well theirs and just general warning signs. i think we should all have them and routinely use them in every day life.
for example, think how useful it would be, when focusing on an upcoming deadline with weeks worth of work to be accomplished in just days, to just hang up a sign "contents under pressure"
or while in the midst of trying to refine aspects of your character when your not fully accomplished but have come so far - why can't we let everyone know with a "work in progress" sign
even more useful would be if life came with these signs, you know just as warning. So that instead of having to face an obstacle completely unprepared, we'd expect impeding situations with a "detour ahead" notice. and avenues that aren't even worth our while in our journey of self-growth would be clearly marked, "dead end."
oh it would be great to know that those seemingly endless difficult situations really weren't endless that in fact they were just " 500 feet."
"slippery road" for those kinda kosher areas, "u-turn" for an opportunity to fix a mess-ups- the list could go forever and yet i'm feeling as though if i translate all the messages into my own sign - it'd look something like this:

1 comment:
well that's why we were given the ability of speech (or communication). just tell people.
and that's why we were given the command to judge favorably.
p.s. frightening to be back here but rather good post to be welcomed by ;)
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