...when it suddenly clicks...

Monday, October 16, 2006

simchat Torah

VISAMACHTA VICHAGECHA VIHAYITA ACH SAMAYACH oh come on you know that wherever you are right now you just wanna jump up and dance and sing when you hear that song i know i do ;) anyways big shoutout to all my b-more peeps, MR. Sitrin i missed you b/c no one sang,,,DEYADAYADADA HEY YADADADA, you know where u keep on saying "hey" 10 million times, etty you know what i'm talken abt right? anyways groups went great i mean i always love simchas Torah but its never home you know, we didnt do summer salts but for abt 5 minutes i felt like i was home, i realy almost had a tear in my eye, i felt like such a girl!@ it must be that time again, where i get emotional anyway, dont you wanna know why? what happend peshie that made you so happy?(i'm helping you say your lines since your not here, dont worry) well e/o since you aked...... during musaf simchas Torah day, they splashed water on the shliach tzibore,tied him up and fliipped him(sniff) i still get emotional just thinken abt it! well that was my simchat Torah, o ya almost forgot i had a total of ....drum roll please.......one shot!!!! ya thats right, i was sooo good i am soo proud of myself go me! also please tell me how your simchat Torah went, as i will prob. not call any of you. but we'll see just how effective this post is b/c my bets are that no one, besides me, chanie and occasionally ettie, actually post on here!
chag sameach


Anonymous said...

peshi we missed you... all your loud clapping and stuff.... and yea i know what you mean about mr. citrin singing on and on... but this year simchas torah sucked. i am not sure if its because you weren't there or if it was because they didn't do what makes lubavitch lubavitch... aka alcohol, but i will say that the women had our own fabraingen outside in the succah during the day time. and we cannot wait for peshie to come back home!!!
(muchas smootchas)

Anonymous said...

saadiah- dont worry i gave out alchol and got drunk myself. it was very inspracianl or something like that love yah!