...when it suddenly clicks...

Monday, September 22, 2008

a bruised ego and a dead fish

uch is was one of those days - i had it all planned out and it was supposed to work out .......shockingly it didnt.

when i wanted to sleep longer i made myself get up
then as i tried to change the water my fish jumped out of his bowl
i made sure to daven before i left the house
we saved the fish and got him back in his bowl
i went out on my errands and managed my time so i'd finish quickly
i met a women who i hadnt seen for a while and we talked for 45 minutes
i finally had a chance to go home and finish getting ready
they called and said they were ready to go and i should meet them now
i arrived at cheder and they just hung around doing nothing
i got to work and got things done
i cleaned my classroom and organized it
then their kids played and messed it all up
i had to run errands and be back by 6 so i said i had to go
they said sure lets all go and just make a few stops on the way
we got back and there was still lots to get done
they all went home and told me to find someone to finish the building work
i found two people then a third to get theirs and my work done
they came and found some help to get their work done
i cleaned up the kids mess and pulled things back together
they found more supplies and dumped them on my table
i sat down to make my posters and cut them out alone
they came and used my expensive paper and left me the scraps to clean
i finally had someone lending a hand cuz my crew doesnt help
she came and said hey arent you supposed to be helping me
i needed an opinion - just where to keep my fish
she said i cant stress about your fish right now
i gave up and trying and went home
i found the fish was dead
....it made sense though, it was the right kind of ending for a wrong kind of day


the sabra said...

i stopped reading in middle cuz it made me sad.

the last line jumped out at me though. heh.

Anonymous said...

ya it was a very sad day - really depressing - i'm so glad i'm passed that bh bh