...when it suddenly clicks...

Friday, March 23, 2007

Reclaiming my life from the forces of Tohu

ahhh .. its that time of year when the comforting smell of 409 wafts through the air and my sleeves are permanently pushed up to my elbows, leaving my arms poised and ready to scour anything that doesnt move away fast enough - the time when my all too short bouts of sleep are filled with dreaming of a little island that's already clean for Pesach where I can live out my days in peace.

It is in this tumultous time that we are given the gift of our freedom. Freedom not only from actual slavery in Egypt both internal and external, but freedom from those piles of papers we will take care of one day, freedom from hoarding anything that might possibly be sentimental and freedom from unmatched socks waiting in piles to be paired - what a gift- to reclaim your life, reorganize, and make that yearly hachlata to be better, neater and more organized this year.

It's a chance to refocus on the world's general purpose, in my own life- to take the forces and energy- that boundless mass of strength, ideas and enthusiam - of Tohu and channel them into an order of Tikkun, practically fit them into life. Slowly, box by box, room by room, and day by day - I am reclaiming by life and rejoicing in a fresh start...

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