...when it suddenly clicks...

Sunday, March 18, 2007

talking to no one

if a tree falls in a forest and no one hears - does it make a sound?

if you talk and no one listens - did you say anything?


Anonymous said...

You assume that no one's listening, when in fact it is you who doesn't talk!

Anonymous said...

nice and cliche and perhaps true in your case

Anonymous said...

Write something more provoking.

Pre-K @ Cheder Chabad said...

do you know the difference between the mishna and gemara? what the gemara needs pages to say the mishna fit into a couple words.

what you see as lame and thoughtless is two lines packed with pages of frustration and amazement at the art of communication and the lack there of - dont be so quick to sign things off ...look deeper

Anonymous said...

Ok, that's provoking, because it's entirely wrong.

That's not the difference between the Mishna and Gemara. The difference is that the Mishna is succinct, to the point and the Gemara is an extensive analyzation of the Mishnas logic, reasoning and choice of expression. It's not just saying the same thing in more words.

Pre-K @ Cheder Chabad said...

My intention was not to imply that the sole difference between the mishna and gemara was the word count. The idea was this: At one point we Jews were just fine with nothing of the oral Torah written. Then as generations passed, some albeit very little needed to be written. Then again as generations passed more needed to be written, explained, expounded.

Point: While 2 lines may speak plenty for one - some find the need to expound.
For me, those two lines expressed it all.

'Twas not trying to sound profound - just expressing my thoughts

Anonymous said...

Granted the Nimshal is your personal feeling, but I still maintain that the Moshul is wrong.

You can't compare the Mishneh and Gemara like that. It's not just an extended version. The Mishneh was a quick save for Torah She'baal Peh and the Gemara came years later as a save for the Mishneh by expounding on its logic.

Nemo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Woops, revealed my identity there by accident.

Let's just forget it. That made no sense. Just repeated what you said. I think you're wrong, but I'm physically too tired to continue this.