...when it suddenly clicks...

Sunday, March 11, 2007

The Tefillin Knot

We ask G-d to know Him & He turns His back
And there in lies everything:

two leather straps
intertwined, one another
each represent a ray
revelation in its essence
chessed & gevurah
right & left
and when tied
part is revealed,
part concealed
but together
-a perfect unity


Anonymous said...

How is Chessed and Gevurah essence?

Pre-K @ Cheder Chabad said...

Good q: Moshe probably wondered the same thing:

Hashem revealed His - Y'H'V'H self - His true and quintessential self to Moshe. He has taken his people from the ultimate dark to a place of ultimate light - a task that takes a connection not only to G-d's quintessential but to one's own. And now Moshe asks once more, to see Hashem - to understand, to relate, to know Him, beyond His true name, beyond all previous revelations, beyond those revealed in the 10 dibros. He begs for revelation in its essence.
And he is shown two straps - Chessed & Gevurah.

So the question still remains, "How is Chessed & Gevurah essence?" but that's just the point - whether its the deepest revelation we can handle or its just upon us to delve into and understand this revelation - this was G-d's answer to Moshe: You want essential revelation, here it is: Chessed & Gevurah - & their perfect unity.

Anonymous said...

because essentially man (and woman) is made up of two parts, the part that is strength and the part that is kindness... the rest is commentary... once one learns how to use each part at the appropriate time then one will be able to have hashem's light revealed to them