...when it suddenly clicks...

Sunday, May 27, 2007

dont fall for the trap.....dogoodjustcuz

there's a well known rule in the world of positive reinforcement - never tell someone "you did such a great job- you can do it again next time!" what your teaching them is once is never good enough for you so they had better not do a good job next time. i often consider this idea and its a big joke in my house e.g. hey, you did such a great job mopping the floor you can do it every time! but does it work on G-d? see i was thinking when something happens and we react - does the reaction affect future action one way or another? its Reizi that got me thinking - Shabbos was her yartzeit and in the days just before it I was scrambling to finish up commitments made in her memory. and i was by no stretch of the imagination the only one. hundreds of people ka"H had jumped on the band wagon, eager to take on hachlatos to makeReiziproud. but how did Hashem look at this situation? I have no doubt that He too is proud of us, and appreciates every mitzva and hachlata. but have we non-verbally told Hashem - "look, You throw horrible blows our way and we do mitzvos in return-perush-if you want us to do more mitzvos throw more bad things our way!"
i think there are two possible solutions - 1. dont react well to tragedies and maybe Hashem will see there's nothing to be gained from them or 2. start doing good just because - then we'll show Hashem that we dont need pain and sad thing to encourage us to do good
i'm pretty sure the latter is the way to go - the former just takes away any possible positive that could be brought out of a seemingly negative situation

so lets make our next campaign doinggoodjustcuz - and i'm sure that too will makeReiziproud


the sabra said...

i love u chanie

Pre-K @ Cheder Chabad said...

sure...whose payin you?

Anonymous said...

Hi there chanie, haven't been here in a while, but I see you are going strong... Thanks for sharing the wisdom and inspiration and yes lets make reizi proud!