...when it suddenly clicks...

Monday, May 07, 2007

shared prayers

two women sitting side by side
one is blessed one deprived
they both recite their prayers long
one in tears the other song
one: thank you for her souls bequeathed
one: let her care for souls, beseeched
and while their books were two akin
their thoughts diametric as within
with identic words but polar minds
each asked for gifts of different kinds
and One G-d heard the voice of both
and answered each with separate growth
one with support and direction
one with offspring and affection
and granted not was each mother
but that she prayed for the other

May it be Hashem's will that the power of Lag B'Omer and the special tefillos recited on that day break all heavenly decrees and all extenuating circumstances and let each Jewish couple know the joy of bringing children into this world.


Anonymous said...

Amen. Awesome stuff, Chanie. Totally inspring- both the poetry itself and the message it contains.

the sabra said...
