...when it suddenly clicks...

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

stuck in the middle

have you ever felt stuck, like you didnt belong anywhere? well this post is dedicated for all you in betweeners such as myself. on the one hand your chabad, but on the other hand alot of your friends and your schools arnt chabad. in the chabad world they call you a snag and in the non-chabad world you're put on this pedastil of chabadnick! ok so thats a huge exageration but i'm just trying to make a point. it reminds me of that song from journeys "what your looking for is right there at your door, believe me when i tell you friend, you couldn't ask for more but what ur heart has knowns is that their is no place like home, so come on back o u'll never be alone" sometimes you feel like you belong but its such a brief moment. i dont know maybe its all in my head as chanie says. maybe we should start our own group called the inbetweeners and the geja people will feel like they dont belong b/c we'll be a bunch of second generation ba'al teshuva families! hey i actually like that idea. tell me what u think

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