...when it suddenly clicks...

Monday, September 18, 2006


to all my loyal blogger fans(which consist of chanie and me)
for sociology i am taking a servey, if these question offend you then you do not have to post your answers, you may e-mail me them at patme63@hotmail.com or tziniusgurl770@yahoo.com
1. what was your first toy that you remember playing with? your first book? outfit?
2. what was your favorite toy growing up? book? outfit?
3. what toy did u want but never had? book? outfit?
4. what was your favorite pass time? is your favorite pass time?
5. Did you ever try to pee they way of the oposite gender?
6. Have you ever worn oposite gender clothing( this includes purim, shirts pants....)

thanks for all that participate please feel free to pass this on i need as many interviews as i can get
all the best


Anonymous said...

ok here goes....
1. my first toy was a stuffed rabbit named feroucious... my first book was ramona the pest... first outfit... that would be my body (lol)
2. favorite toy? my gi joe doll.. .when you pumped his chest you could see the blood going thru his viens... favorite book was either the secret garden or ann of green gables... favorite outfit? not sure, they all were hand me downs..
3. lots of toys... ya know i just wanted it to be mine and no one else to play with it... i read whatever books i wanted to, if we didn't own it i borrowed it from the library, but i always wanted to go to the vatican library and i still haven't gone :( ... as for an outfit anything that didn't belong to someone else before me...
4. reading, reading, writing, and art.. and its still my favorite past time...
5. yea i did... it didn't work out too great... chanie did to... she was better at it than me...lol
6. yea... a lot of times...

Anonymous said...

Hi to Chanie Adler...

Love Chavi who literally found your blog by accident.

Shana Tovah.